Do you need money to help pay for school?
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) may be the answer. You could be eligible to receive a non-repayable scholarship up to $12,000 and/or transportation supportive services up to $25/week.
Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Individual Training Accounts (ITA’s) are available to eligible and appropriate participants when it is determined by a career planner that they will be unlikely or unable to obtain or retain employment that leads to self-sufficiency or higher wages from previous employment through career services alone. An ITA is limited in cost and duration and must result in employment leading to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment. ITAs are not entitlements and shall be provided to eligible participants on the basis of an individualized assessment of the person’s job readiness, employment and training needs, financial, social and supportive needs, labor market demand and potential for successful completion, as documented on the participant’s Individual Employment Plan (IEP). Participants choose career training with Region VI Eligible Training Providers in consultation with career planners.
For more information contact the WIOA Career Planner in your county before* the start of classes to determine eligibility. (*At least five (5) business days prior to the start of classes is encouraged)
Marion & Taylor Counties – Contact:
Lorrie Mayle – gro.vwfdrh@elyaml
Phone (681) 404-6338 or (681) 285-5629
Braxton, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison & Lewis Counties – Contact:
Lorrie Mayle – gro.vwfdrh@elyaml
Cell Phone: (681) 285-5629 – Office Phone: 304-350-3001
Monongalia & Preston Counties – Contact:
Bridget Ullery- gro.vwfdrh@yrellub
Office Phone: (304) 296-8223 Ext. #1031
Barbour, Randolph, Tucker & Upshur Counties – Contact:
Lorrie Mayle – gro.vwfdrh@elyaml
Office Phone: (304) 630-0255