The American Job Center (AJC) system is a partnership of organizations, working as a team, to promote a universal approach to providing effective workforce assistance to job seekers and businesses.
The AJC partnership system is designed to provide an integrated array of high-quality services so that workers, job seekers, and businesses can conveniently find the help they need in easily accessible locations across the local area or through virtual access. American Job Centers are designed to help businesses find qualified workers and help job seekers obtain employment and training services to enhance their careers.
Programs and partnerships within the AJC system are:
- WIOA Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth Programs – including career counseling & job search assistance
- WIOA Title II Adult Education and Family Literacy Programs
- Career and Technical Education Programs at the post-secondary level
- Unemployment Insurance Programs and assistance with filing UI claims
- Employment and training activities provided by Community Services Block Grants
- Reentry Employment Programs authorized under The Second Chance Act
- Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
- Senior Community Service Employment Programs (SCSEP)
- Jobs for Veterans Programs
- Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
- Wagner-Peyser Employment Service – including access to the states’ job board and labor market information;
- Migrant Seasonal Farmer Worker Programs through Wagner -Peyser
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and SNAP E&T Programs
- Employment & Training Programs carried out by Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- YouthBuild North Central Programs
- Indian and Native American Programs (INA)
- and other voluntary partnerships throughout the region
Individuals can visit one of Region VI’s four (4) American Job Centers that are conveniently located within our thirteen (13) county region. Region VI’s designated One-Stop Operator is the Human Resource Development Foundation (HRDF, Inc.) and the region’s One-Stop Coordinator is Sydney Stansberry – email: gro.vwfdrh@yrrebsnatss
For information on Job Openings or UI, email vog.vw@sbojecrofkrow or call (800) 252-5627. Veterans please email vog.vw@stevecrofkrow.
Serving Marion & Taylor Counties
Fairmont American Job Center
320-416 Adams Street
Fairmont, WV 26554
Contact: Sydney Stansberry – Office (681) 404-6377
Serving Braxton, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison & Lewis Counties:
Clarksburg American Job Center
153 Main Street
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Contact: Sydney Stansberry – office (681) 404-6377
Serving Barbour, Randolph, Tucker & Upshur Counties:
Elkins American Job Center
1023 N. Randolph Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
Contact: Sydney Stansberry – office (681) 404-6377
Serving Monongalia & Preston Counties:
Morgantown American Job Center
40 Commerce Drive
Morgantown, WV 26505
Contact: Sydney Stansberry – office (681) 404-6377