We understand that the process of finding a job or changing jobs, selecting a career or changing careers is not an easy task. We also realize that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t provide the guidance and support needed when making decisions about your future. The American Job Center Network in Region VI is designed to meet the needs of all job seekers including Veterans and individuals with disabilities, regardless of education level, training background, work experience, or current employment status. American Job Center Offices/ One Stop Career Centers in four locations across Region VI offer the following job seeker services:
- Regional and Statewide Job listings
- Job Search assistance
- Individual skill assessments
- Individualized career counseling
- Resume assistance
- Job interview preparation and planning
- Referrals to training programs and tuition assistance
- Support services and partner referrals
- Unemployment assistance
- Labor Market Information
Contact an American Job Center or Workforce Center in your area for assistance.
For information on job openings email vog.vw@sbojecrofkrow; veterans please email vog.vw@stevecrofkrow.
Marion & Taylor Counties
Fairmont Workforce WV Center
320-416 Adams Street
Fairmont, WV 26554
1-800-252-5627 or vog.vw@tnomriafcu
Braxton, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison & Lewis Counties:
Clarksburg Workforce WV Center
153 Main Street, Suite B
Clarksburg, WV 26301
1-800-252-5627 or vog.vw@grubskralccu
Barbour, Randolph, Tucker & Upshur Counties:
Elkins Workforce WV Center
1023 N. Randolph Avenue
Elkins, WV 26241
1-800-252-5627 or vog.vw@sniklecu
Monongalia & Preston Counties:
Morgantown Workforce WV Center
40 Commerce Drive, Suite 200
Morgantown, WV 26505
1-800-252-5627 or vog.vw@nwotnagromcu
All Counties – American Job Center – One Stop Coordinator
Sydney Stansberry – (681) 404-6377 – gro.vwfdrh@yrrebsnatss